"I went for furniture, came back with a dog"

Joey (9) and Elliot (41)
‘He is friendly! He is friendly! He is friendly!’ Every body in the street looks up at this big guy yelling down the steps with a smile from ear to ear. His dog, a black/brown mongrel charges down like he owns the place.
One morning Elliot woke up after a night out in town. His goal that day was to go furniture hunting for his new apartment. He got up and traveled for 45 minutes accompanied by a hangover to this ominous industrial building full of furniture stores. Upon arrival the stores were not yet open and he had to wait. Wondering around he heard the barking of dogs and he found pet shop with rescue dogs in the back up for adoption. Elliot wasn't shopping for a dog but he had time to kill so he wondered in. He met this puppy that was socially a bit awkward with the other dogs. He found he had this strong urge to bring the pup home. Not having a clue on how to take care of a dog, Eliot decided against it and eventually he went home without furniture and without a dog. Once home, he couldn't get that awkward puppy out of his head. He called the rescue shelter several times that week to inform about the pup and to figure out if a single guy that works all day would be able to take care of a dog. After that week he couldn't take it any longer, went back and brought Joey home. That was nine years ago, and he never regretted it for a minute.
(Sheung Wan, Hong Kong)